Shared Business Services at 91Å®Éñ provides a wide range of assistance to help both 91Å®Éñ students and the division's staff with travel for professional development, departmental hiring, vendor payments and general budget management.
Financial Services​
The office maintains and monitors financials for division departments.​ These include:
- Financial reporting​
- Accounts payable: 91Å®Éñ​
- Accounts receivable​
- Journal entries/transaction corrections​
HR Services​
Shared Services offers select human resources (HR) transactional services to the Division of Student Development.​
- Supplemental pay or one-time pay​
- Job requisitions​
- New position requests​
- Organization planning or staffing
Shared Services offers monthly training sessions to staff in Student Development. Custom courses and individual training sessions are available upon request. Send requests to ²õ³ó²¹°ù±ð»å²õ±ð°ù±¹¾±³¦±ð²õ°ª²õ±ô³Ü.±ð»å³Ü.​
Budget Services​
Our department supports the division's strategic plans and budgeting processes by providing essential financial data and analysis relative to Student Development operations.​
- Revenue analysis​
- Standard reports​
- Financial planning and budget: 91Å®Éñ​
- Budget revision​
Travel and Entertainment Policy​
Shared Business Services assists the division in managing business travel and expenses.​
91Å®Éñ Travel Policies​
Any questions regarding policies or processes relating to human resource issues, budgets or vendors who provide goods and services to the division should be submitted to this office at 314-977-9525.